Architectural Scale Model Makers for Architects and Designers - Luring Design

Bringing your vision to life, one scale model at a time

The different types of scale models (e.g. study models, presentation models, etc.)

Scale models have been used in architecture and design for centuries as a way to visualize and communicate designs. These models come in various types and serve different purposes. Here are some common types of scale models used in architecture and design:

  • Study models: These are smaller-scale models that are used during the design process to help architects and designers understand the form, function, and layout of a building or product. They are typically used to experiment with different design options and to make adjustments before finalizing the design.
  • Presentation models: These are larger-scale models that are used to present the final design to clients or other stakeholders. They are typically more detailed and polished than study models, and may include additional features such as lighting and interactive elements.
  • Marketing models: These are models that are used to market a building or product to potential buyers or investors. They may be used in real estate sales offices or at trade shows, and are designed to be visually appealing and informative.
  • Prototype models: These are models that are used to test the feasibility and functionality of a design. They may be used to test materials, construction methods, or other aspects of the design, and are typically made at a larger scale than study models.

Scale models are an important tool in architecture and design, and the type of model used will depend on the specific needs of the project. Whether used for design exploration, presentation, marketing, or prototyping, scale models help designers and clients better understand and visualize the final product.

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